Sunday 2 February 2020

A Papa Bear and his Cubs

This was definitely the "Weekend of Daddy" with Ian being the man of the hour.  Today Ian basically relived yesterday with a few key differences:

#1 Kid Swap
It was Seamus' turn to go ice fishing with Daddy.  Alistair and I visited for lunch and so I could catch one fish but then we quickly vacated the premises so as to not encroach on Seamus' solo time with his Papa.

#2 Ian admitted that he is actually feeling "fished out".  Wonders never cease.  He is headed back to the grind tomorrow and will have much less time for ice fishing so I am glad to hear that he got his fill of it during the past month.

#3 Superbowl Bonding
Liam and Seamus were thrilled to be "old enough" to stay up and watch the first half of the game.  They asked Ian a million questions about football and were hanging on his every word.

What can I say?  There is just something so special about the bond between boys and their daddies.  My three little cubs are so lucky to have Ian as their big Papa bear.

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