Sunday 26 January 2020

Hello Aloe

I have come to the conclusion that we do a variety of activities to "wear the boys out" but really, I think all that happens is that they (both the activities and the boys) wear me out.  It is Sunday night and I am exhausted.

We started the day by doing a huge amount of snow removal to regain access to our porch, walkways, driveway, gates and barns.  Thank goodness for Ian and the snowblower because if I had had to shovel this much incredibly heavy snow tired might have turned into dead.

Shockingly, this backbreaking labour did not tire the boys out one bit, so I occupied them for the remainder of the morning making aloe vera soap.  They are super intrigued by my soap making but are much too young to help when I use lye, so we used melt and pour soap base and fresh aloe from my rather lopsided house plant.  I was hoping that chopping off a few branches on the heavy side might even it out a bit but I am not sure it made any difference at all.

We spent the afternoon at the indoor swimming pool, once again hoping to exercise Liam, Seamus and Alistair into an early bedtime.  As luck would have it, we ran into Ms. Kerry who is always up for some Alistair snuggles.  This gave Ian and I free hands to chase after our other two (still) super energetic hooligans.

At the end of the day, I am not sure we were successful at wearing our boys out, though it was certainly not due to lack of effort on our part.  If nothing else, Ian and I are guaranteed to sleep well tonight!

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