Saturday 19 December 2020

Half & Half

Liam, Ali and I had a quiet afternoon here on the farm full of naps and tidying.  Meanwhile, Seamus and Ian headed out for an adventure.  Today was their first ice fishing expedition of the season.  Ian has been chomping at the bit for the lakes to freeze over ever since hunting season ended.  Finally, after this past week of cold weather, the ice in his preferred fishing spot is six inches thick and thus safe for fishing.  

We have not had any recent snow so the ice is as smooth as glass.  You can see right through it down to the weeds.  You can even watch the fish swim by!  Incredible.  Seamus should have brought his ice skates instead of his snow shoes!

Ian and Seamus were pretty successful for their first trip out.  They brought home four keepers even though they lost the biggest fish of the day at the hole.  That is the downside of ice fishing - if the fish is bigger than the hole then you are out of luck!

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