Sunday 12 May 2019

The David Copperfield of Goldfish, the Jack the Ripper of a Red Squirrel & the Houdini of Hens

Mystery #1: The Disappearance of Doc

Our telescoping goldfish has just up and disappeared.  I know that goldfish do not live very long but this was quite the disappearing act.  No cold, floppy fish corpse.  No sneaky fish hiding under a rock or in a cave. No clue whatsoever about his departure.  He is the David Copperfield of goldfish.  Our best guess?  We think Goldie 2 ate him.

Mystery #2: The Disembowelled Chick

As I was heading out to hang laundry on the line, I noticed one of our new chicks laying dead on top of the deep freeze with its chest sliced open, its heart missing and its entrails splayed about.  The rest of the chicks were fine, the garage doors were closed but the steel wool in a hole under one door was dislodged.  Our best guess?  We think we have a Jack the Ripper of a red squirrel inhabiting the garage.  We covered the chick trolley with a wire screen, removed all grains and foodstuffs from the garage, and set up a radio to play human voices as squirrel deterrents.  I really do not want to have to move these chicks into the house.

Mystery #3: The Escapee Hen

For the past two weeks, we have had one hen who escapes from the chicken run every single day.  I would have no problem with a free ranging hen except for Emily's chicken eating problem.  With the rogue chicken roaming in the back yard, we cannot let Emily out unsupervised.  This is most inconvenient.  Our best guess?  I do not have a clue.  The hen's flight feathers have been clipped and have not grown back, I have blocked all possible escape routes under the fence and gate, and I simply have no idea how she keeps getting out.  I am stumped.  She is the Houdini of hens.

After dealing with this trifecta of mysteries, I am one exhausted farm detective.  Hopefully tomorrow is slightly less mysterious.

This happened the last time Emily got a hold of one of the hens. 
We do not want a repeat.

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