Thursday 9 May 2019

Cheep Thrills

Our house is full of cheeps!  It is hatch day here on Gael Glen Farm.  For an event that has been occurring for the last 60 million years, watching an egg hatch is still thrilling.  

This morning Ian and I could hear chirping coming from the eggs.

Lo and behold, by 9:30 am our first black copper maran chick had been born.  We named it Uno.  I think it was terrified that it was the last of its kind but as soon as one of its siblings hatched its loud frantic cheeping calmed down considerably.

About half of the eggs have hatched so far and I must say, the little fluff balls are adorable.  

Something about watching these little ones is soothing for the soul.  Seeing them breathe through the tiny hole they have pecked in their shell is amazing and watching them help each other hatch is equally fascinating.  I cannot wait to hold them in a day or so once all of them have hatched.  It has been an exciting day on the farm.  I hope they are not all roosters!

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