Wednesday 8 May 2019

A Culinary Journey to Vietnam

It has been easier than I anticipated to eliminate processed foods from our diet.  Surprisingly, it has been most trying for the boys who were never really fed much junk food in the first place.

Liam is currently going through a fussy eating phase.  He has decided that dill makes him puke and that he does not like parsley or any "spices" at all, really.  Seamus, on the other hand, seems to crave a couple types of treat foods that I used to feed him, that he is now not getting.  He is consistently (like on a daily basis) asking for Kraft dinner, Zoodles and Nutella.

To get their minds off of what they are not being served, I am trying to be extra creative with what I do feed them.  Today, we took a culinary trip to Vietnam with a dinner of vermicelli bun.  It was restaurant quality, if I do say so myself.  Healthy and delicious, I thought, this is sure to be a winner.

Famous last words.  First of all, both boys were disappointed that the meal did not include hot dog buns (vermicelli "bun", okay I get it - confusing for a kid).  Then they refused the sauce because it smelled like "yucky fish" (it has 1/4 cup of fish sauce in it).  We have discovered that we can add mint to the list of "spices" that Liam does not care for.  Rice noodles are a poor substitute for KD, accordingly to Seamus.  Apparently, all pastas are not made equal in the eyes of a four year old.

The boys' leftovers.
 Looks like no dessert for anyone tonight. Sigh.

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