Wednesday 28 November 2018

Rev Up, Crash & Burn

Liam, Seamus and I were up very early this morning.  Our desire to sleep until 6:30 am seems to have evaporated when "sleep" began to mean laying propped up in bed unable to breathe.  Luckily with last night's snow there was lots for us to do once it got light out.  

After waking Daddy (who for whatever reason is not nearly as sick as the rest of us and is having no problems sleeping), we headed outside to do some shovelling.  I was also hoping that the cooler air might help clear out our sinuses.  

The boys and Daddy shovelled the pathways, gates, steps and deck.  I worked on clearing the snow off of my covered box gardens.  I had an extra burst of energy after putting on my dad's blue snow suit and finding that it fit very comfortably over my stomach.  It is so much easier to do chores when you are dressed comfortably.

On the garden front, I am happy to report that my greens are fresh and crisp under their plastic covers.  During the next nice day, when I am feeling better, we are going to be rolling in fresh greens, kale and carrots.

Unfortunately, it seems that the excitement of our morning shovelling did me in.  Seamus and I found ourselves at the doctor's office mid-morning being told that the throbbing pain in my sinuses, teeth and jaw and the pressure in my ears means that I will likely not be getting better without antibiotics.

And so, for the next ten days, I have a date with a giant horse-sized pill at lunch time in hopes of one day soon being able to breathe again.  Seamus was just happy that they let him out of the doctor's office without giving him a shot and he still got a sticker!

This afternoon involved me laying in bed miserably next to my humidifier while Seamus watched YouTube videos.  The boys almost never get IPad so that is saying something.  Not my finest hour.

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