Wednesday 20 February 2013

Emily's Dunce Cap

Since her grooming appointment last week, Emily has had a sore ear which she insists on scratching incessantly.  It was starting to look very scabby and irritated so some minor medical action was deemed necessary.  Polysporin is our farm "cure-all" treatment - antibiotic cream available without a prescription: the farmer's best friend.  In the past we have used Polysporin to treat everything from chicken eye infections to various cuts and scrapes; today we used it in Emily's left ear.

Unfortunately, putting a foreign substance with a distinct odour into a dog's ear is enough to drive them crazy with the desire to scratch so Emily also inherited the scratch prevention cone.  While the intention of this cone isn't  to humiliate a pup, the dogs clearly think of it as the "cone of shame".  They hate wearing it, look miserable the entire time it is on and pretty much refuse to function until you take it off.  True to form, Emily is not a happy camper with her sore ear and the blue cone.  Poor girl - hopefully her ear heals quickly and the cone can go back to the cupboard to await it's next victim.

A very surly Emily refusing to move from this spot
on the floor in protest of the blue cone.  What a scowl!

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