Friday 22 February 2013

Egg Anomalies

The vast majority of our hen eggs have perfectly smooth shells, display the typical egg shape and are the standard "large" size - ideal specimens.  These are the ones that go to market.  However, sometimes things go awry.  I'm not sure exactly why but occasionally we end up with a few very unsaleable eggs.  These go in "Ian's Carton" and become fodder for his breakfast.  Ian often jokes that he never ate so many unusual eggs until we became egg farmers.

Luckily, in addition to the freak eggs, Ian also gets to eat the abnormally humongous eggs that are so big they simply don't fit in an egg carton.  These gigantic eggs are usually laid by our older hens and are very much a crowd pleaser - who doesn't like a simply enormous fried egg (except a vegan, of course)?

Normal sized egg vs. itty bitty egg (quarter to show  scale).
Huge, oval shaped egg vs. normal egg.
Some oddly shaped eggs.
Egg with very weird, wrinkly shell.
 Regardless of how they look on the outside, the insides of these egg anomalies still taste delicious.  Just ask Ian!

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