Tuesday 4 December 2012

Field Mouse in the Chicken House

Each autumn, mouse relocation is a reality for us country dwellers.   Instead of remaining in their perfectly good mouse houses outside, as temperatures start to plummet we inevitably have a series of furry interlopers who try to take up residence in our garages, basements, walls and ceilings.  Ian actively discourages this practice in the main house - understandably so.
However, for a while now, I have suspected that a field mouse has been trying to move into the chickens' house.  My first clue was after our first snowfall when I discovered a trail of tiny mouse tracks running from the chicken coop, along the side fence door and into the neighbouring field.

Today, I caught our rather rotund culprit red handed as he raced from the coop and launched himself through a hole in the weeds under the fence, ultimately disappearing into the wild beyond.  I am sure he'll be back and so I have named him Gus, in honour of the beloved mouse from Cinderella, whom he so closely resembles.  Judging from Gus' substantial girth, I think it is safe to assume he finds the chicken feed a satisfactory ration and is quite content in his new living arrangement.  As long as he doesn't decide to upgrade with a move to the main house, I think it is okay for him to stay.  He'll have to be sure to steer clear of the chickens though; his cousin the vole did not fare well this past summer when he found himself in the chicken run surrounded by a flock of carnivorous poultry.  Hopefully Gus will avoid the same unfortunate fate.  I didn't get a photo of Gus (boy, can he move!) but he looked something like this - only fatter.

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