Monday 3 December 2012

Chameleon Shed

Our veiled chameleon, Avery, recently underwent a whole body skin shed.  It all started last week when I noticed that she was shedding the skin on her front left paw.  I thought it was a bit weird for only her paw to shed but she otherwise looked healthy and still had a voracious appetite so I figured everything was fine.

A few days later she began to shed in full force.  The process was pretty amazing to watch and lasted three full days.   It looked a bit like how human skin peels after a really bad sunburn. Skin shedding is normal for reptiles and is necessary to allow a chameleon's body to grow.  It occurs as frequently as every four months; though we've had Avery since May and this is the first time it has happened.

The shedding started on Avery's head and progressed down the length of her body.  She even shed the skin on her eyeballs! Avery looked a little dry and flaky (and generally uncomfortable) for a while but we're happy to report she pulled through the shed in one piece and now has a beautiful and fresh looking new layer of skin.  I think she might have a future as a Cover Girl if they decide to take the Telus route and start featuring chameleons - she's a looker!

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

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