Tuesday 8 January 2019

Three Unusual (and Not Very Scientific) Experiments

Experiment #1

Research question: Will shovelling snow induce labour?

A quick google of this question provides a very clear answer:  No.  No, it will not.  As other women point out, shovelling very late in pregnancy will not induce labour but it will give you a very sore back and an aching vagina.  Check and check.  Note to self: next time, google before trying some new way to kick start contractions.

Experiment #2

Research question: Does it make a difference whether you bake bread in a dutch oven or on a rack in the oven using steam from melting ice cubes and a spray bottle?

Loaf on the left was baked on a rack in the oven. 
Loaf on the right was baked in a pre-heated dutch oven with the lid on.
Oven rack.
Dutch oven.
When using the same dough and baking for 30 minutes, it seems that the method of baking does not make a substantial difference to bread outcome.  The crumb in both loaves was similar.  The crust of the rack baked loaf was very slightly browner and chewier, than that of the loaf baked in the dutch oven.  The oven spring was about the same in each loaf.  In conclusion, the loaves were very similar.

Experiment #3

Research question: When making corn bread, does it matter if you mix all the ingredients together at the same time even though the recipe calls to mix the wet and dry ingredients separately and then combine?

Mixing everything together at once changes the texture of the corn bread.  It is moister, has large holes and doesn't rise as well.  Who knew?  On the bright side, it still tasted good and we only had to wash one bowl.

What an enlightening day.

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