Wednesday 12 December 2018

Everything but the Kitchen Sink

If nothing else, my kombucha trials are facilitating meeting the neighbours. After sterilizing our jars (again) and buying brand new cheese cloth to cover the tops, Seamus and I brewed two new batches of sweet black tea and then headed out to visit Mrs. Christine to obtain, yes, you guessed it, more SCOBYs.  

SCOBY is an acronym for Symbiotic Culture Of Bacteria and Yeast.
It is the home of the bacteria and yeast that transform sweet tea into tangy, fizzy kombucha. 
Upon returning home with our new SCOBYs and some starter kombucha from Mrs. Christine's SCOBY hotel, we combined everything together and placed it all next to the stove (the warmest spot in the kitchen).  Hopefully these batches take. We will know in a few weeks!

Today's second kitchen activity involved cleaning out the fridge to make "Everything but the Kitchen Sink" Soup.  Nothing (except lettuce) was safe from this soup.  Everything from tonight's taco leftovers to last week's venison pot roast to frozen Brussels sprouts to bacon remnants from sausage making night to the last few garden carrots we dug up last weekend went into the pot.

With three jars for the freezer and two for the fridge, we are set for lunches for the next while.  As an added bonus, my fridge is now much emptier than it was this afternoon!

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