Thursday 28 June 2018

Liam's Green Green Garden

Inspired mostly by one of Mercer Meyer's Critter books and maybe a bit by Mom and Dad, this year Liam grew his very own green, green garden.

He dug it up, planted the seeds, has weeded it and waters it (almost) daily.

We had a few minor setbacks, like when Seamus pulled out his newly sprouted bean plants to see if they had roots yet.  It has also been difficult to convince Liam that more water is not always better and that the plants do not actually like to swim in an inch of water.  However, we managed to work through these and today I am proud to report that Liam harvested his very first peas from his very first garden.  He was thrilled and without prompting immediately shared his bounty of three pea pods with Seamus and me.

Liam: "I have BEANS!" (actually they were peas but who's counting
when you see him enthusiastically popping the pod into his mouth)
Who knew fostering feelings of ownership of one's own garden would be such an excellent way to nurture a love of vegetables in toddlers?

1 comment:

  1. ...and the next generation of Kehoe farmer is born! Good job Mom for seeding and encouraging this interest in your son...Grandma Gorman, Grandpa Ed and Dad/Grandpa would be proud of both of you! Good looking garden Liam!
