Tuesday 19 June 2018

Delivery Day

On Tuesdays we deliver our CSA baskets.  This week's basket was another beauty.  We had red scallions, radishes, a turnip, chard, spinach, kale, leaf lettuce, cabbage leaves, broccoli leaves, arugula, jalapeno peppers, basil, mint, parsley, daikon microgreens, wasabi mustard microgreens and our first head of broccoli.  Our extra this week was a bouquet of beautiful fresh cut flowers.

Today, however, we were treated to a double delivery.  Alice finally gave birth to her twins!  Two beautiful chocolate brown lambs - a boy and a girl.  Ian and the boys named the new ram lamb Lego.  As innocent toddlers, they were excited to name him after a toy.  Given Ian's other name suggestion (Racka), I do not think his intentions are nearly as pure.  Before lambing season began we agreed that ram lambs would become supper, while ewe lambs I would add to my flock.  As such, I am thrilled to get at least one ewe lamb this season.  I have not decided on a name for our new little girl yet so if you have suggestions, feel free to send them my way.

We finished out the day with "Family Weeding Hour" after dinner.  While this was more like a half hour, we are trying to encourage the boys get involved in the farm.  We let them weed in their underwear (we have little nudists on our hands) with lots of sunscreen and bug spray on.  They had a wonderful time and were actually quite helpful.  You know what they say, a family that weeds together stays together - or something along those lines anyway.

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