Tuesday 13 August 2019

We Have Lift Off!

Mellie is a mama!  She had twin doelings early this morning around 2:15 am.  I checked on her as planned at 2:30 am and they had just been born.  They were sopping wet and Mellie had not yet delivered the placenta.  I immediately raced inside and woke up Ian. 

I love firsts like this and they are so much better when you can share them with somebody.  This was kind of like when Ian got his first deer.  He called me right away and then we headed out to field dress it together.  As unusual as they might be, these kinds of firsts are some of the moments of our life together that shine the brightest for me.

Ian was amazing.  He got right up and strung up a heat lamp inside the barn for me.  We dried off the kids, dipped their umbilical cords in iodine, watched Mellie pass (and subsequently eat) the placenta, put Mellie on the milking stand, and helped each kid to nurse for the first time.

Mellie's milk had already come in and was it easy to express.  After a bit of help, each kid was able to latch and nurse.  Once we got everyone set up, we were able to head back to bed.

Throughout the morning, I kept putting Mellie on the milking stand and helping the kids nurse.  I was getting a bit worried because I did not see the kids nursing except when Mellie was on the stand.  She seemed rather disinterested in them.  At one point, Mellie simply walked away from the kids and left them in the barn while she went outside to lay in the shade.  Obviously, some mother-daughter bonding was in order so I returned Mellie and the kids to the barn and closed them in together for the rest of the day.  I also brought Mellie out some more grain, a calcium supplement and a pail of warm molasses water to boost her energy.

Molasses water 
Things were looking up when I put them to bed for the evening.  Mellie was much more attentive to her kids.  She was staying with them and cleaning them.  I even saw one kid (the weaker one) nurse all on her own!  I will check on them again later tonight but the kids are standing and walking around which is an excellent sign that they are getting some food.

We have decided to name the babies Percy and Luna since they were born during the Perseids Meteor Shower and a super bright, almost full moon.  These names are especially fitting as Percy has white spots on her ears (like meteors) and Luna has a large white patch on her forehead (like a full moon).

 Ava was very good with the kids during her closely supervised time with them.  She licked them up and down and was very gentle.  

Liam and Seamus also enjoyed their goat cuddle time, though they both have some work to do on the gentle part.

It has been such an exciting day on the farm.   I wonder if we are in for another exciting night?

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