Friday 23 August 2019

Flying Solo Farm-Style

After a busy and amazing week of girl time, this weekend I am on farm duty flying solo. Sadly, Auntie Tanya's farm-cation has come to an end.

Ian and Liam also departed this morning for a daddy and son vacation weekend in Toronto.  I dropped them all off at the airport early this morning.

This leaves me to keep watch over Seamus, Alistair, and all the critters by myself.  I am not complaining.  Slowing down the pace and focusing on the farm and our youngest kiddos sounds perfect for the last weekend before Liam and Seamus start school.  I cannot believe summer vacation is over already; I also cannot believe that I survived it!

Flying solo farm-style sounded completely manageable until I realized that it meant I was going to have to prepare this week's CSA baskets, at the height of the harvest season, while concurrently caring for two little monsters by myself.  Eeks!  A weekly harvest at this time of year takes a minimum of two hours and involves a lot of bending over which makes wearing Alistair in a baby carrier next to impossible.

Everything could have gone horribly but thankfully it did not.  Seamus helped me in the garden for a bit and then played independently in his play structure.  Alistair took a morning nap and then shrieked and screeched (mostly) happily in his exersaucer.  The harvest did indeed take close to three hours but I got it done!

This week’s CSA basket includes: chard, flat leaf parsley, carrots, lots of jalapeƱos, yellow wax peppers, sweet chocolate peppers, a thai dragon pepper, yellow zucchinis, a red cabbage, tomatoes, cucamelons, snow and snap peas, yellow beans, daikon radishes,  red radishes, sweet basil, kale, a sweet walla walla onion, chocolate mint, apple mint, oregano, sage, apples, and a dozen farm fresh eggs.

This week’s bonus item is homemade kombucha in four flavours: lychee, lemon ginger, blueberry mint, and rose petal blueberry.  

There is lots still to do on the farm in the coming days so hopefully Seamus and Ali's helpful streak continues.  I also promised Seamus that we would have some "fun" too.  He had requested rock climbing so I will see if I can make that happen for him.  

Have a wonderful and productive weekend everyone!

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