Friday 12 September 2014

First Prize at the Carp Fair

As Fall is ushered in by cooler temperatures and some changing leaf colours, we are knee-deep in preparations for the 2014 Carp Fair.  Ian and I are both competitive so this is a great venue to compare our wares with other farmers in the area and a wonderful opportunity to engage with our community in some fun and friendly contests.

The first category that we worked on was the 2014 Carp Fair Outdoor Decorating Challenge.  It was a family affair and I think our final display kicks butt!  Getting the sheep in the photos is (I think) ingenious but was a bit ridiculous in its execution.  Apparently sheep do not have listening ears and mine were not feeling particularly obedient at that specific point in time.  Even under the lure of delicious grain - I ended up having to carry Violet from the barn to the display TWICE before she would stand still enough for the photo.  Abbott and Alice absolutely refused to cooperate and so missed their opportunity to be famous - too bad for them - especially since WE WON FIRST PRIZE!  Our Ward Counselor and the President and Vice-president of the Carp Fair stopped by the farm tonight to take a photo with Ian and I to celebrate our victory.  I am thrilled!  We won a great prize - ten yards of top soil to add to our veggie gardens and to use to create the rose garden I have been wanting for years.  What a great start to the 2014 Carp Fair season.

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