Monday 22 July 2013

The Plight of the Greedy Bird

Once upon a time there was a greedy bird.  She was a hen named Cuckoo and she had beautiful black and white feathers.  Cuckoo lived in a little house in a comfy pen with all of her sisters.  Cuckoo was an adventurous bird; she loved the thrill of breaking the rules and taking risks, especially when it resulted in something extra delicious for her to eat.

One day Cuckoo decided she wanted explore the great beyond.  "Why are we always cooped up in here?" she asked her sisters.  "Look at all that juicy grass just beyond the fence.  I am going to fly out of the pen and eat and eat and eat until I can't eat anymore."  "No, no!" chortled Cuckoo's sisters.  "It is dangerous out there.  Every hen that has ever gone beyond our pen has been chased by a scary grey beast.  Don't go Cuckoo!"

 But there was no convincing Cuckoo; she was tired of the boring grain the farmer always fed them and was determined to get to the green grass outside the fence.  She said goodbye to her sisters and took off running as fast as she could.  She spring boarded herself off the hen house and flew up and right over the fence!

"Look at me!  Look at me!" She cried.  "I made it; now I can eat all the grass I want."  But just as she turned to take her first mouthful she came face to face with a scowling grey beast.  The beast had a scraggly beard and razor sharp teeth.

"Uh oh..." thought Cuckoo.  "I am in trouble now."  And with that Cuckoo took off running with terror in her eyes and the great grey beast in hot pursuit.

Sadly for Cuckoo she could not out run the beast.  The beast pounced and with feathers flying, Cuckoo was quickly captured by the beast.  "This is surely the end," thought Cuckoo.  "I should never have taken such a big risk for something as silly as grass.  I should have listened to my sisters and stayed nice and safe with them inside my pen."

As Cuckoo cowered on the ground and accepted her fate, the farmer came running out of the farmhouse and grabbed the grey beast by the scruff of the neck.  "No!  Bad dog!" the farmer yelled.  "DO NOT EAT THE CHICKENS!  How many times do I have to tell you..."  The farmer put the grey beast into timeout and gently picked Cuckoo up off the ground.  He carefully checked her over, making sure her legs and wings were not hurt.  He then carried her over to the pen and softly put her down inside with her sisters.

"Stay in your pen, you silly chicken," the farmer said.  "It is too dangerous for you out here."  "It sure is," Cuckoo agreed.  "I will never let my greed get the best of me again."

And Cuckoo lived happily ever after (inside her pen under the watchful eye of the grey beast).

The End.

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