Tuesday 23 July 2013

A Very Veggie Update

Even when we are not blogging, our garden is still growing...thank goodness, since we've been a bit remiss in the blogging.  We blame the baby; he is time consuming.

While we had a rainy start to the season which made our veggies slow to take off (and the mosquitoes in the garden ferocious!), thanks to the plentiful sunshine over the past few weeks, our garden is looking incredible and already producing some healthy and delicious food.

Words can't do justice to our beautiful veggies, so behold...(note: the absence of virtually all weeds in the big garden which can be attributed to Ian's incredible vigilance in the weed pulling department - kudos!)

Rows and rows and rows of tomatoes.  We're not really sure which kinds (red, yellow, beefsteak, heirloom, cherry etc.) are growing where so it will be a surprise when they begin to ripen.  Right now there are tomatoes on almost all the vines but they are all small and green.
Broccoli.  Did you know the more frequently you harvest the broccoli crowns from a plant, the more they grow?
No excuse not to eat broccoli now!
Cabbage.  No cabbage patch kids growing in there though - I checked!  Coleslaw here we come.
A row of kale.  Perfect for smoothies, in omelettes and baked into kale chips.  Kale chips - too healthy to be called chips but tasty just the same.
Cucumber.  Lots of flowers just waiting to be pollinated by one of our honey bees (if they'd ever get back to business and stop misbehaving - a subject for another post)!
Zucchini plant.
Zucchini blossoms on a zucchini plant.
Baby zucchini on a zucchini blossom on a zucchini plant...and the green grass grows all around, all around and the green grass grows all around.  (If this doesn't make sense to you, then it is likely that you have not spent the last several weeks racking your brain for any and all children's songs buried deep in your memory in an effort to amuse a fussy infant.)
Rows of red onions.  Perfect as scallions now or we can let them grow into big red onions (patience required!).
The mint corner. Varieties: apple mint, mojito mint and chocolate mint.
We tried to make mint iced tea the other day; sounded like a good idea but tasted like toothpaste.
We poured it down the sink.
From left to right: peas, carrots and onions.
From left to right: swiss chard and turnips.  Turnips have turned out to be our bargaining chip this year -
no one else grows them but everyone is willing to trade for them!
Green pepper.  Yes, it is tiny.  Our peppers really suck this year.  Even though we have at least a dozen pepper plants, this is the only pepper that is growing so far.  Did I mention that our peppers suck?
Garlic.  Ian is the Garlic King - like the guy in the Ottawa Santa Claus parade but without the truck with the glass dome in the roof.  I bet our garlic would win at the Carp Garlic Festival if we weren't too cheap to pay the exorbitant entry fee.
So, this is what we are harvesting right now.  We'll try to keep you abreast of new developments as the season progresses.  We have lots of happy and healthy eating ahead of us!

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