Tuesday 31 July 2018

Castration Station

Q: How many people does it take to castrate a ram lamb on Gael Glen Farm?
A: Two doctors and an engineer.

With Auntie Heather (aka Dr. Heather) down to visit for a few days, we figured that we should put her medical expertise to good use.  Given the pending sexual maturity of Cobalt and Lego, Heather's experience with testicles (she does vasectomies on human men after all) was of particular value to us.

Our ram lambs needed to be banded and given that we have a medical doctor on hand (much more useful than a doctor of philosophy for these sorts of things), we put her to work.  If you do not count being poked in the stomach with sharp horns, getting kicked a few times, and getting Heather's finger caught (briefly) in the banding machine, the procedure was a resounding success.  We are certain that we caught both testes below the elastic!  Woohoo - it sounds easy enough but I can assure you that it is not.  Once the lambs figured out what we were trying to do, they were experts at sucking those bad boys back up into their abdomen.

Despite some initial discomfort post-banding, both Cobalt and Lego were almost immediately back to their old tricks.  All that is left to do is wait for the scrotum and its contents to dry up now that the blood supply is cut off and the whole thing will fall off in a few weeks.  Thank you Dr. Heather - another job well done!

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