Monday 2 September 2024

Gael Glen On the Road

 As our kiddos get older, we are hoping to start a new phase of our family life involving more travelling. In the past driving anywhere has been painful; car fights, complaining, you name it.

This weekend, we decided, in honour of our new pledge for more family adventure, that we would test drive ourselves on a short road trip to see how things go.

And so, after school on Friday, we were off to New York State. This was Seamus and Alistair's first time across the American border!

Friday August 30, 2024 - Syracuse, NY

After an uneventful border crossing, we rolled into dinner at Dinosaur BBQ in Syracuse. We ordered the family special as take-out and sat outside on the patio. An immense amount of food appeared - as it turned out it was enough to feed 14 people dinner with leftovers still!

Saturday August 31, 2024 - New York State Fair, Syracuse, NY

While off-and-on rainstorms kept the crowds at a minimum, we had a wonderful time at the New York State Fair with Grandma Cora, Auntie Megan, and cousins William and Elise. Ian and I had not been for probably 15 years and it was all the deep fried goodness we remembered. We drank ice cold chocolate and strawberry milk in the Dairy Building, visited the roosters and bunnies, saw an incredible moving dinosaur exhibit, ate a massive bag of cotton candy, and went on a bunch of rides (with no line-ups which was truly shocking!). Each child had exactly one epic meltdown. But, overall, a good time was had by all.

Seamus braved the drop zone!

Alistair shared his cotton candy with all.

Crazy kids.

Sunday September 1, 2024 - Redfield, NY

We spent the morning hike around the Salmon Fall Unique area. The falls were amazing. Meanwhile the hike to the dam was a let down.

We loved our visit to the Salmon Hatchery and learned a ton. We even saw salmon jumping up the chutes.

Our accomodation was a pretty rustic cabin but we were grateful for it when the skies opened up and it poured just before dinnertime.

Monday September 2, 2024 - Sandy Island Beach State Park, NY

The wind was cold, the water was warm, and the waves were HUGE! We had a blast frollicking in the enormous waves. It was like the ocean but better because of no salt and the warm temperatures - the ocean is always so cold! What a beautiful day.

And then it was back home for school tomorrow. 

Trip in review, this kids are still a bit young for road tripping to be really fun. They can do activities now (Alistair powered through the hiking to all of our surprise), but it is still tough to get them to sleep, and they still argue, tease, and fight in the car - a LOT. It could have been worse, it could have been better. We will keep training the team so we can do longer, and longer trips without wanted to clobber each other.

Tuesday 16 April 2024

Ramping into the Evening

The boys suggested an after supper nature walk - I think to delay bedtime - but it turns out that it was exactly what I needed. The ramps are out! The sunset was beautiful. The evening air was crisp and refreshing. Happy Tuesday everyone.

Monday 15 April 2024

Seed Starts

We have officially run out of solo cups, soil, and stand space. Time to stop seed starting...for now.

We will have lots of share with this year's 2024 cohort of the Community Backyard Garden Project at the May 4th Kick-Off Event. Tomatoes of every variety...

Sunday 14 April 2024

Potting Up

We potted up all our broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, peppers, and eggplants. What a mess! If it was ever time to own a greenhouse - this would be it. Until then, my living room will have to do.

Saturday 13 April 2024

Submerged Garlic Sprouts

Our farm is a muddy mess and our garlic are swimming! Rain, rain, go away.


Friday 12 April 2024

Purple Shoots

With all this rain things have started to sprout. We have our first asparagus and hops shoots up and reaching for the (hiding) sun!


Thursday 11 April 2024

Free Rooster

This rooster is a pest. He is sneaky and keeps escaping the chicken run. He loves to sleep up in the pine tree (even in the rain) instead of inside the cozy, dry coop. He scratches up my sprouting seeds in the garden and antagonizes the sheep in their paddock. 

My efforts to keep him contained have thus far been unsuccessful. Also, he eats lots of food and does not lay eggs.

And catching him is a pain in the butt. He is an expert at camouflage and evasion.

 He is seeking a new home. Immediately. Any takers?